About the Archives

The IFTCC archives mark the beginning of an international repository for resources that were created in the defense of the right to move away from unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. It provides a glimpse into the social and political history of the movement that opposes ‘conversion therapy’ bans.



More about the IFTCC Archives

This is a digital archive, providing a limited number of journal articles, articles of a more general nature emanating from newsletters, or those that are the products of authors who contribute to the area regularly. It also includes responses to governments and organisations that promote ‘conversion therapy’ bans.  The archive also includes audio and visual materials and some books made available to the collection.  

Typically, archives are generated for practical, personal or administrative purposes and are kept because they have long-term value for cultural, historical, or evidentiary purposes. As such they provide insight into the who, when and where of our cultural history. They are preserved because of a systematic removal of materials by cancel-culture initiatives that keep it from use by both social and legacy media.

Many of the collections have a common provenance, such as NARTH – the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality from the USA, an organisation that no longer exists. Collections from Core Issues Trust from the UK are also housed here. Invitations to other groups interested in making their material available centrally, will also be extended.

The FTCC archive is provided free of charge, generally on a read-only basis and represents the views of the original authors at the time of writing. They are likely to represent only a fraction of the material available on the topic, but the hope is that it will grow in years to come.

To contact the archive managers, use in**@if***.org.