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The Church of Scotland has lost the mind of Christ
Published May, 2022
Page(s) 4
Article information
Christian Concern
Dr. Carys Moseley
Beware leaked government plans on gender ID and ‘conversion therapy’ ban
Believing sexuality can change is now a conscience issue
Beware Mermaids backtracking over ‘born in the wrong body’
Can Wales ban ‘conversion therapy’?
Cass Report makes ‘highly questionable recommendations’
Children at risk if Welsh Government bans ‘conversion therapy’
Concern about girls wanting to be ‘boys’ is a matter of fundamental human dignity
Confronting Stonewall’s weaponisation of Rowan Williams
Conversion Therapy Helpline is ‘state-sanctioned surveillance’
Counselling and psychotherapy have become transgender propaganda mouthpieces
Criminalising ‘conversion therapy’ will backfire
Education sector damaged by ‘conversion therapy’ research
Former Clinicians from Gender Identity Clinic Speak Out
Former senior BBC presenter criticises LGBT correspondent role
Former Tavistock director criticises handling of gender-confused children
Is the Commission for Countering Extremism going to erode freedom of religion and belief?
It’s time there was an investigation into the Gender Identity Development Service for Children and Adolescents
Lessons we can learn from international ‘conversion therapy’ bans
LGBT rights extremism ‘treating children as state property’
Male rape victims would be harmed by ‘conversion therapy’ ban
Northern Ireland Assembly votes hypothetically for ‘conversion therapy’ ban
Press freedom and journalistic integrity eroded by ‘conversion therapy’ bans
Press outlets should beware the Ozanne Foundation Faith & Sexuality Survey
Prime Minister announces plan to ‘ban conversion therapy’
Professing Christians should stop sacralising the trans cult
Scottish Parliament wants to hear views on banning ‘conversion therapy’
Service wants to normalise sado-masochism
Silenced X-Factor Malta ex-gay contestant speaks out
Teens’ porn viewing habits report demands strategic response
Tell election candidates to resist Stonewall demands
The Church of Scotland has lost the mind of Christ
Time for a coronavirus crackdown on RSE indoctrination
Transgender prisoner debate ‘still relevant’
UK is the first country to scrap gender self-identification plan
UN expert report demands ‘conversion therapy’ bans worldwide
Violent porn now a political issue
Welsh pastors at risk of prosecution from ‘conversion therapy’ ban
Why Christians must defeat the global attack on conversion therapy for homosexuality
Why it matters that James Caspian isn’t allowed to study people who regret gender transition
Why the push for same-sex ‘marriage’ in the British Overseas Territories is a cause for global concern
Will ‘conversion therapy’ ban be sneaked into Scottish Hate Crime Bill?
X Factor Malta silences ex-gay singer’s Christian testimony
Ten good reasons not to restrict therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction
Challenging the Stonewall General Election 2017 Manifesto
Ten Good Reasons not to restrict therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction
The UK government is going down a dangerous path in its zeal to ban ‘convertion therapies’
Transgender children and young people: Book review
What might cause Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria?
Why it is so important that the UK government has admitted that trans identification is a belief
Why the ex-gay movement provokes rage and censorship
Why Vue Cinemas is muddled in saying ex-gay film contradicted its ‘values’
Why we must stop the government from outlawing the ex-gay movement
A Response to the UK Government’s Intended Ban on Therapeutic Choice
A Response to the UK Government’s Intended Ban on Therapeutic Choice
Critical analysis of the Ozanne Foundation’s “Faith and Sexuality Survey 2018”
IFTCC to UN HRC individual Submission to Victor Madrigal-Borloz
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